Bridge Resources
This site is built and maintained by Don Smolen. Please email any comments, suggestions or errors to him.
Laws and Rulings
Laws of Duplicate Bridge An HTML version of the Laws.
Common Rulings A guide to handling common rulings at the table.
Web Movements
Web Movements Simplified by Don Smolen
A practical guide to webs. Includes diagrams of most common movements. (PDF)
Tim Hill on Web Movements
At Tim's site you'll find the definitive guide to webs. Everything you might want to know is there, but be prepared for some work.
There are also movement files that can be added to ACBLscore.
Stratifier Program
Stratifying a multi-section event isn't easy in ACBLscore. This Windows application simplifies the process.
Try it and let me know if you have any questions or problems.
Gamefile Library
Stratifier uses GamefileLibrary.dll, a .NET library that exposes an ACBLscore gamefile as a .NET object.
If you would like a copy to use in your own apps, let me know.
BridgeView Program
Display game results on a screen. Can show final results from the gamefile and interim results in real time from the
Bridgemate server. Could be used to enable barometer scoring.
Odds and Ends
Matchpointing Across Sections
Matchpointing across sections makes a fairer contest, but are there negative side-effects? Spoiler: the answer is 'no'. (PDF)
Using RobotsHow to set up robots for a half table.
Bridgemate Troubleshooting
What to do if the server disconnects during the game & BMR doesn't fix the problem.
NameView Issue
NameView is a program that transfers player names and numbers from ACBLScore to Bridgemate.
Here's what to do if the Bridgemate control program becomes unresponsive.
Hand Records with Sorted Suits
If you want to produce hands sorted into suits using a dealing machine, you can use this file as the first pass. Download the zip file and extract the pbn file.