1. Revoke Must Be Corrected
    A player must correct his revoke if attention is drawn to the irregularity before it becomes established.
  2. Correcting a Revoke
    To correct a revoke the offender withdraws the card he played and substitutes a legal card.
    1. A card so withdrawn becomes a major penalty card (Law 50) if it was played from a defender's unfaced hand.
    2. The card may be replaced without further rectification if it was played from declarer's [subject to Law 43B2(b)] or dummy's hand, or if it was a defender's faced card.
  3. Subsequent Cards Played
    1. Each member of the non-offending side may withdraw and return to his hand any card he may have played after the revoke but before attention was drawn to it (see Law 16C).
    2. After a non-offender so withdraws a card, the player of the offending side next in rotation may withdraw his played card, which becomes a penalty card if the player is a defender (see Law 16C)).
    3. If both sides revoke on the same trick and only one side has played to the subsequent trick, then both revokes must be corrected (see Law 16C2)). Every card withdrawn by the defending side becomes a penalty card.
  4. Revoke on Trick Twelve
    1. On the twelfth trick, a revoke, even if established, must be corrected if discovered before all four hands have been returned to the board.
    2. If a defender revokes on the twelfth trick before his partner's turn to play to the trick, Law 16C applies.
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